Altum-News-International credit rating agency Moody’s again affirms the Altum high long term credit rating Baa1

International credit rating agency Moody’s again affirms the Altum high long term credit rating Baa1


19. Dec, 2017

On 15 December 2017 international credit rating agency Moody’s has once again affirmed the credit rating of AS “Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum” Group – Baa1 long term credit rating, stable outlook.


The assigned rating is one of the highest credit ratings assigned to corporate entities in Latvia.


In June 2017, Altum Group was assigned Baa1 long term credit rating, stable outlook, by the international credit rating agency Moody’s. AS “Attīstības finanšu institūcija Altum” bonds were listed on the regulated market on 24 October 2017 – quoted on the Baltic Bond List of Nasdaq Riga.

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