Altum-Services-Enterprises-Support of the consequences of war

Support of the consequences of war

The loans are intended for companies whose operations have been affected by the economic consequences of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine.

Who may apply for the loan?


  • Performers of economic activity

  • Farmers

  • Fisheries

  • SMEs and large companies



Loan amount of up to EUR 3 million, but the total amount must not exceed at least one of the following criteria:

  • 15% of the average turnover in the last three completed financial years*
  • 50% of the total energy costs in the last 12 months
  • For liquidity needs of an SME for the next 12 months or a large company for the next 6 months


* For businesses who do not have three complete annual reports, the maximum amount is calculated based on the duration of the company's existence at the time when the company submits the application for support

N.B.  Support is available until 31.12.2023


For working capital and investments



  • Up to 5 years for financial leasing and investment loans for financial services
  • Up to 3 years for working capital financial services

Loan holidays of up to 24 months


Eased collateral requirements


Reduced interest rate | Price list

Who cannot apply for the loans?


Negative impact on the company’s operations has not been established


Gambling, financial mediation, sales of weapons, tobacco, alcohol, real estate operations, etc.