Altum-Services-Enterprises-Social Entrepreneurship

About the Social Entrepreneurship Programme

Companies whose mission is to benefit the society – to support and involve in the labour market residents subject to the risk of poverty and social exclusion, to remediate environment, as well as other goals aimed at social benefit – until 2023 had access to EU financial support by the way of grants amounting to EUR 12 million. A new Social Entrepreneurship Programme is under elaboration (will be launched in second part of 2024). 

  • The amount of the grant for one entrepreneurship project is frome EUR 5,000 to EUR 200,000

  • Grant may be received both for starting and expanding of the social entrepreneurship

  • An important prerequisite: business idea should be viable, with significant long-term social influence

  • In order to apply for the grant, the company should have the status of the social company by registering with the register of social enterprises

  • Programme is implemented by the Ministry of Welfare in cooperation with ALTUM


Programme financing is provided as de minimis aid.


Programme is regulated by Cabinet Regulation No. 467 of 11.08.2015. “Implementation Regulations for measure “Aid to Social Entrepreneurship” of 9.1.1 Specific Aid Goal “To Increase Inclusion in the Labour Market of Unemployed Persons Being in a More Unfavourable Situation” of the Activity Programme “Growth and Employment”

Ask ALTUM specialists about the programme