Project selection
- Altum assesses projects to ensure that support under the programme is provided to the most efficient projects
- If an application is selected by Altum, the applicant may apply for a loan with capital discount
1. Engage a certified energy auditor (not required if project only includes solar/wind electricity production):
- Accredited company energy auditor, legal entity (current list available in the Construction Information System:
- Certified specialist in the field of energy efficiency of buildings (current list available in the Construction Information System:
- Employee of the merchant – Energy manager, if the merchant has a valid ISO 50001 certificate, which confirms that the company has implemented an energy management system in accordance with the ISO 50001 standard
2. Plan the project and determine its costs:
- get the necessary permits
- prepare technical documentation
- select service providers
- estimate total costs of the project
- make sure that project meets at least the minimum achievable indicators of the program
3. Find out the State Support regulation applicable: De Minimis or General Block Exemption Regulation (GBER)
4. Fill out the application form on, attach to it all the mandatory documents mentioned in the regulations for high or medium readiness
Application must be made via the portal.
Before applying:
- if you are a new customer – register at, fill out and submit the customer questionnaire
- if you are already a user of the portal – renew the customer profile
In the APPLICATIONS section of, fill in Pieteikumu dalībai programmā – Atlasei – Energoefektivitātes paaugstināšana uzņēmējdarbībā
Fill out and attach the declaration on the commercial company’s compliance with a small (small) or medium-sized commercial company (Annex 1 of 16.12.2014. Cabinet of Ministers Regulation No. 776)
Fill in and attach the documents specified in the Regulation for high or medium readiness.
Make sure that all documents are properly completed and electronically signed.
Make sure the application is submitted timely.
All applications will be assessed in accordance with the Regulation of the selection round and the criteria set in its annex:
- compliance: activities, industries, merchants
- project readiness to be implemented: high or medium
- efficiency: primary energy savings or reduction of greenhouse gas emissions per 1000,-EUR of the capital discount
Applications will be ranked by amount of points obtained in descending order within the funding amount available for the selection round.
In case several projects will have the same amount of points, priority will be given to projects with a higher ranking in the specific criteria (larger primary energy or CO2 savings on the capital discount of 1000 EUR). In case those are also similar, final ranking will be made in the order of application submission.
Please note: Approval of the application in the selection round does not guarantee the granting of the loan and / or the capital discount.
Altum will announce the results of the selection within a month after the submission deadline.
Announcement will be sent via the portal.
For applications approved in the selection round next important deadline is the deadline for applying for the loan.
Please note: Approval of the application in the selection round does not guarantee the granting of the loan and / or the capital discount.
Several applications can be submitted in one selection round, including in one area of support (for example, energy efficiency) or in several areas of support (for example, in the field of energy efficiency and in the field of renewable energy technologies), given that applications for each area of support must be submitted separately.
If you want to change or supplement an already submitted application, you must withdraw it by sending a notification to the portal and submit a new application.
Questions about the preparation and submission of applications can be sent to e-mail:, we will respond within 5 working days.
During working hours, we also invite you to call Altum regional centers or Enterprise energy efficiency department, phone no. +371 28320125.
Altum cannot provide advice or comment on already submitted applications during the selection round.
Please note: Approval of the application in the selection does not guarantee the granting of a loan and/or the receipt of a capital discount – the decision on the granting of support is made only when Altum grants a loan or a parallel loan for the implementation of the project.